10 Ingenious Uses for Hemp Oil You Never Thought Of

hemp oil uses

Using hemp oil in your everyday routine might seem risque. But with so many helpful hemp oil uses, you might want to rethink your attitude.

Hemp oil is a multi-use ingredient that comes from hemp seeds. This is the same plant that marijuana comes from. But the THC levels in hemp oil is so low, you’ll never have to worry about getting high.

While hemp oil has low THC, it is high in calcium, antioxidants, magnesium, and healthy fats. It also has a ton of anti-inflammatory properties that can change your life.

Some people buy hemp oil for one purpose, it’s actually a multi-use power tool. Here are 10 hemp oil uses for your everyday life.

10 Hemp Oil Uses for Every Situation

Don’t keep your hemp oil in the back of your medicine cabinet. Here are ten hemp oil uses that you might not have known about.

Hemp Oil as an Anti-Inflammatory

We already touched on hemp oil’s anti-inflammatory properties. These features can help improve your overall health. That’s because of it’s GLA rich content. GLA is an omega-6 fat that reduces inflammation. You can use it as an internal anti-inflammatory for arthritis. Or use it as a topical salve for irritated scalps.

Substitute for Heart-Healthy Fish Oil

While fish oil is great for your heart and body, it can be expensive. Vegans who want the benefits of healthy fats should check out hemp oil instead. It has a lot of the same healthy fats and amino acids as fish oil.

Stronger Nails

One of the many hemp oil uses is for nail repair. If you have brittle nails, apply hemp oil to the cuticles and nails.

Brain Health

Scientists have found that hemp oil is helpful when it comes to easing anxiety and depression. It’s like CBD oil in this way, although there are some debates about the benefits of hemp oil vs CBD oil.

Improves Your Skin

Not only does hemp oil not clog your pores, it helps maintain well-moisturized skin.

Cures Skin Diseases

More hemp oil uses for your skin include cures for skin diseases like eczema and shingles.

Makes Your Hair Healthier

The same fatty acids and lipids that help your skin will do wonders for your hair. Apply hemp oil to your scalp to improve your hair health.

Aids Digestion

Hemp oil is high in fiber and protein. Both of these things are great for digestive health and weight loss. Fiber relieves bloating and bowel movements. The protein is great for your blood and muscle mass.

Eases Pregnancy

If you’re pregnant, the high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids in hemp oil are great. It helps build the fetal retina and brain. Plus it can help prevent perinatal depression.

May Help Fight Cancer

There is emerging science about hemp oil uses in fighting cancer. While it’s not a cure-all, hemp oil aids cancer treatment.

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