10 Simple Ways You Can Renovate Your Home Without Breaking the Bank

renovate your home

An older house often has a lot of charm and features that aren’t found in newer homes. But an older home doesn’t have to look old. There are plenty of things you can do to make it look well-cared for.

If you have a bit of DIY ability or want to hire a handyman, you can renovate your home on a small budget. Many small, inexpensive jobs will make a huge difference in the look of your home.

If you are looking for a few ways to spruce up your home, we have some easy ways to make your older home look new.

Easy Ways to Renovate your Home

You don’t need to hire a crew and tear out walls to get the most out of your older home. A few easy, inexpensive jobs will get it right back in to shape.


1. Cupboards

The front of your cupboards can get stained, chipped or cracked, depending on the material they are made from. You can give them a good cleaning if that’s all they need. You can give them a fresh coat of paint, or sand them down and use a nice stain or varnish if they are wood.

If it’s just the front of the cupboard, replacing them if they are in bad shape, or just replace the hinges and handles, along with a facelift, and they will look fantastic.

2. Floors

Floors take quite a beating over the years, and can really make the kitchen look old and dirty. Sometimes just a good cleaning to remove wax and other types of build-up can bring out the original beauty.

Replacing old tiles or linoleum will give your kitchen new life. Stone, ceramic or new linoleum are options. If you remove old flooring and discover nice hardwood underneath, having that treated makes a beautiful, natural floor.

3. Appliances

Older appliances can get really battered looking. If they are still in great working order, you can simply have the chips and scratched filled in. There are methods of painting the front of your fridge or stove, as well.

4. Walls

Years of cooking, eating and handprints can really take its toll on your kitchen walls. They end up looking dull and dirty. A good cleaning can get rid of the grease and grime.

New wallpaper or a fresh coat of paint will brighten that kitchen up. If painting, make sure it’s a paint that can be washed. Semi-gloss or satin are good choices. A lighter color of paint will add the feeling of space.

5. Countertops

You can easily repair or replace countertops. They get chipped, cut and torn, and can make your kitchen look old. Repairing small flaws will help hide the damage or you can replace them with something more durable.


Older homes tend to have older fixtures and plumbing. But you don’t need to gut the bathroom to make it look nice.

7. Fixtures

Older tubs and sinks can have water stains, rust and cracks or chips in the porcelain. If you don’t want to tear them out, you can get spray paint to cover up any stains or out-of-date colors.

Replace the faucets with something new or vintage, to go with the room. Some newer faucets that look older are a great way to keep the history of the home and still have functioning fixtures.

Lighting fixtures can be replaced with softer lighting, taking out the harsh overhead lights for wall fixtures. Wall sconces, fake candles, and antique looking lamp covers add a great touch.

8. Walls

Older houses tend to have smaller bathrooms. Using a nice light paint will freshen the room and make it look bigger. White or off-white make it feel clean and bright. A textured, two-tone wallpaper will work well and allow you to mix and match with other decor, like curtains and tiles.

Try new tiles or panels in the bath or shower. Shower panels look great and are easy to maintain. They are waterproof and hygienic, so no mold.

Around the House

Small jobs around the home will make the world of difference in making your home look newer.

9. Windows

Keep your windows clean. Dirty windows cut back on the light allowed in, darkening the room. Windows are a great way to add the look of more space. Use light curtains or sheers, to allow light in.

Keep the window frames and sills cleaned and try using a light color paint or trim, to add to the brightness. Replace broken windows and add a few plants, to bring a bit of color and life to a dull room.

Keep the outside of the windows in good shape as well. Paint and repair the frames so they look nice and less shabby. Add a few flower boxes to make a home seem warm and welcoming.

10. Outside

Either paint or replace old dirty and damaged siding on the house. Fix up your doors, with paint or new fixtures. Paint the frame and door different colors, for contrast.

Keep the steps and walkway in good order, fix any crumbling slabs or bricks. Paint any handrails, steps or fencing you have to make it look fresh. Place a few potted plants on for front step.

Keeping the yard makes a big difference. Plant flowers, trim trees and hedges and keep the grass cut. Small ornaments, like a water fixture, can make the yard look loved and appealing.

Odd Jobs

Keeping your home nice is a year-round project, but it doesn’t have to eat up your whole budget. When you decide to renovate your home, start with a list of what you need to do most.

Plan your budget and try to stick to it. many items can be found on sale or for secondhand. For faucets, lighting fixtures, paint, and other items check at the big box stores for discounts.

If you do the work yourself, you will gain a better understanding and appreciation for your home. We have more great decoration ideas for your home here, and please keep reading for helpful tips for work, business, and love.

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