5 Foods That Give You Better Eyesight

Foods For Better Eyesight

Today, many people are becoming digital nomads, working on their computers while traveling the world. This means your eyesight is everything, considering you need it to work.

Even if you’re not a digital nomad, taking care of your eyes is important. After all, without decent eyesight, you can’t do a lot of your day-to-day activities.

If you want better eyesight, there are some foods you can eat to help. Here are 5 foods for good eyesight!

1. Eggs

What’s not to like about eggs? You can scramble, fry, boil, and poach them, meaning the recipes are endless! Chances are, you’d never get sick of eggs.

What’s great is eggs have zeaxanthin, lutein, and zinc, which are beneficial for eye health. You’ll mainly get these nutrients from the yolks, so don’t skip out on those!

2. Salmon (and Other Cold-Water Fish)

Cold-water fish like salmon, herring, and sardines have omega-3 fatty acids. This is a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) that’s good for your body.

Not only are omega-3 fatty acids good for eye health, but they’re also good for heart health. This is why you’ll see these PUFAs sold in supplement form. You can opt to take these capsules instead of eating fresh fish if you’re not a fan of seafood.

3. Guava

Guava is a tropical fruit that is refreshing in taste and also great for you! It has vitamin A, which means one of the health benefits of guava is better eyesight.

Other benefits of guava include boosting your immunity, improving heart health, reducing stress, fighting inflammation, and fighting against aging. This is thanks to other nutrients such as vitamin C, lycopene, potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants.

4. Orange

Here’s another fruit for this list! As you might already know, oranges (and other citrus fruits) are chockful of vitamin C.

You might know vitamin C as something that’s a great immune system booster, but did you know it can do much more than that? For instance, it can help your eyes stay healthy and strong!

If you’re not a huge fan of oranges, lemons, and grapefruits, you can also eat papayas and berries to get your fruity vitamin C.

5. Leafy Greens

As a child, you’ve probably heard from your mom a million times to eat your greens! But that’s for good reason.

Leafy greens have tons of antioxidants, which give you a myriad of health benefits. Not only can they help fight aging, but they can also protect against heart disease and cancer. And most importantly, they can help you get better eyesight!

Get Better Eyesight by Eating These Foods

Now you know how to get better eyesight by eating the right foods. In addition, you should take good care of your eyes by taking frequent breaks if you work on the computer. And make sure to get your eyes checked regularly by your optometrist so you’re sure you’re wearing the right prescription at all times.

Did you enjoy this article on getting better eyesight? Then get more health tips by reading this article on working out!

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