5 Places to Drive Your Golf Cart

places to drive

Some people believe that golf carts are only used for, well, golfing. Their name alone seems to suggest that those who use them are limited to using them on golf courses.

But that couldn’t be any further from the truth! While golf carts were, once upon a time, restricted to golf courses, they’re not just for golfing anymore.

There are so many different places to drive a golf cart. Increasingly, there are more and more communities that are open to people using them and actually encouraging them to use them to get around.

If you’re still under the impression that a golf course is one of the only places to drive a golf cart, you should get with the program. You should realize that there are so many other places you can drive them, too.

Here are 5 places to drive your golf cart once you get one.

1. Public Roads

You’re probably not going to see a golf cart speed by you on the highway anytime soon. Heck, you’re probably not even going to see a golf cart speed down the street in front of your house anytime soon.

Most states still forbid the use of golf carts on public roads.

But there are some states that are coming around to the idea of allowing people to drive down public roads. States like Florida have given local municipalities the right to designate certain streets as places to drive a golf cart.

In general, the public roads that allow golf carts have very low-speed limits. They’ll usually be below 25 miles per hour zones.

But with more and more towns allowing golf carts on their streets, it might not be long before some of the roads in your area are doing the same.

Just make sure you follow the usual rules of the road when you get behind the wheel of a golf cart.

2. Retirement Communities

A lot of the people who live in retirement communities aren’t as mobile as they used to be. They might live on big, green properties, but they don’t always get to enjoy them since they can’t get around much.

Golf carts are changing that by opening up the possibilities to these people. Rather than walking around their retirement communities, those who live in them are using golf carts to get around.

Golf carts have actually seen a huge spike in popularity in recent years due in large part to those retirement communities across the country that have embraced them with open arms.

Many retirees are trading in their high-priced vehicles for more affordable golf carts and realizing a better quality of life because of it. They’re enjoying a freedom they wouldn’t otherwise enjoy and seeing all the benefits that come along with riding around in golf carts all day.

3. Recreational Paths and Trails

Recreational paths and trails have long been a safe haven for bikers, hikers, those on rollerblades, and more.

But in states like Texas, there are a lot of recreational paths and trails that are now open to those looking for places to drive golf carts. People are allowed to legally drive their golf carts up and down these paths and trails just like bikes.

There are, of course, some restrictions that come along with using a golf cart on a recreational path or trail. Drivers have to maintain safe speeds and look out for those around them at all times.

But there are more people enjoying these paths and trails now that they’re able to travel on them in golf carts.

4. College Campuses

There are some college campuses that are small and quaint. You can walk from one end of the campus to the other in a matter of just a few minutes.

But there are also a lot of college campuses throughout the country that are HUGE. You would practically need to pack a lunch (and maybe dinner!) if you planned on walking from one side of the campus to the other.

While most students aren’t allowed to do it, those who work on college campuses have turned to golf carts time and time again to travel around on them. College campuses have become places to drive a golf cart due to the sheer size of some of them.

Golf carts also make it easy to transport items around on a college campus. For example, a maintenance crew can easily take garbage cans, paint supplies, lawn equipment, and other items around a college campus by using golf carts.

5. Business Properties

Many businesses have started to incorporate golf carts into their daily operations to make life easier for their employees.

Some car dealerships, for instance, will provide salespeople with golf carts to navigate their lots. With car lots growing by leaps and bounds, golf carts help staff get around quickly.

There are also many amusement parks that have worked golf carts into the mix. Rather than buying full-size vehicles for their employees to drive around in, these parks have found that employees can get around more efficiently in golf carts.

If you have a business that sits on a large piece of property and you’re constantly running all over the place, you should consider investing in a golf cart. It’ll cut down on the amount of walking you have to do on a daily basis and allow your employees to be more productive overall.

Find More Places to Drive Golf Carts Today

We couldn’t possibly list all of the places to drive golf carts. While they used to be used almost exclusively on golf courses, you’ll find more golf carts in other places than you will on courses today.

You should think about all of the places you might be able to drive a golf cart if you were to purchase one. It might inspire you to get out there and become a golf cart owner sometime soon.

Read our blog for more useful tips that you can incorporate into your life.

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