5 Reasons a Bedtime Yoga Routine Can Help You Get Better Rest

Having a hard time sleeping at night?

Millions of Americans have been struggling with insomnia and restless nights for years. Various sleep aids have come to the surface to help people get better sleep. One effective method is practicing a bedtime yoga routine.

In this guide, we’ll explore some important reasons to adopt bedtime yoga routines. Read on and learn how it can benefit your sleep:

1. Reduces Stress, Depression, and Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are some of the most common mental illnesses in the United States. This, alongside stress and depression, makes a huge impact on your sleep quality. They will affect whether you’ll get enough rest every night.

With a healthy bedtime routine, you’ll avoid experiencing these negative emotions. Yoga is your best choice because it’s a proven method of alleviating stress. In most cases, your anxiety and depression will dissipate as well.

Yoga can lower your body’s cortisol levels. It releases the pent-up tension you feel throughout the day. This reduces anxiety or depression, which often contributes to sleeplessness or insomnia.

This stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system. This system controls your body’s functions while you’re at rest. As a result, your mind and body feel relaxed. Only then can you get a restful night of sleep.

Yoga helps you achieve a deep physiological state. You’ll have better energy metabolism, insulin secretion, and immunity functions.

2. Renews the Body, Calms the Mind

Yoga invigorates your body by releasing toxins and increasing oxygen circulation. Often, your organs and tissue store toxins. Your bedtime yoga poses will help release them.

Breathing exercises boost oxygen circulation, which replenishes your body. The release of toxins through bedtime yoga calms your mind. It takes the day’s stresses off your body to better face tomorrow’s challenges.

The combination of breathing, movements, and poses makes you feel calmer. It prepares your physical and mental state for sleep. It empties your mind and settles it into a serene state.

It can be hard to fall asleep when you’re feeling heavy amounts of stress. Stress keeps your mind awake and can carry on through the next day. Many stress-related concerns come from finances, relationships, and employment.

With bedtime yoga, your body will stop the chattering of the mind. It takes you to an optimal state of calm for sleep to happen. If you want to fall asleep faster, check out some good tips for getting better sleep using the linked guide.

3. Eases Pain and Improves Breathing

If you have a long workday, you’ll experience nighttime aches. Whether you’re sitting at a desk the entire day or moving around, your body will tire out. It’s what causes you to feel the pain, making it harder to sleep.

Before going to bed, doing some stretches is a must. It’s one of the best methods of easing both muscle and joint pain. It releases your muscle tension, helping your body relax before hitting the sack.

Your body could suffer from poor circulation without this routine. It pollutes your sleep and makes you feel groggy in the morning. You’ll end up stuck in an endless cycle of poor sleep and body pain.

Yoga is also the best solution to correct your breathing. It alleviates snoring and reduces symptoms of sleep apnea by preventing fast breathing. It also dissipates the tenseness and nervousness that come with these conditions.

4. Appreciate Sleep Better

Waking up and feeling restful are appreciable things. However, most people neglect to think about the quality of their sleep. Paying closer attention to how you feel in the morning allows you to assess your sleep quality.

Once you achieve that, it’s easier to pinpoint various areas of improvement. It helps get rid of them since they harm your rest. Since yoga is all about body mindfulness, you’ll know more about how sleep affects your day.

5. Improves Mindfulness and Meditation

Lots of health benefits come from being mindful of your feelings and thoughts. It’s an important component of managing your emotions. Heightened emotions often lead to poor sleep quality.

Did you know that interrupted sleep can affect your productivity throughout the day? To boost your creativity and quality of life, get a better sense of mindfulness. You can achieve this through a consistent yoga routine before bedtime.

Doing a calm bedtime yoga routine gives you time to meditate and prepare your mind for sleep. It brings forth peace, allowing you to unwind after a hard day’s work. This sets you up for a restful night without sleep interruptions.

Best Yoga Poses for Sleep

Now you know the benefits of bedtime yoga, start your restful nights with these basic poses. They’re easy to learn since you can do it while in bed.

1. Supine Spinal Twist

This pose aims to stretch your spine and back. It releases your stress, making it perfect before you sleep. It’s also effective in quieting the mind while stimulating the following organs:

  • Abdominal organs
  • Kidneys
  • Intestines

Put a folded blanket or a pillow underneath your bent knee. If you have chronic knee injuries, avoid doing this pose.

2. Child’s Pose

It’s a restful pose, calming the brain while relieving fatigue and stress. It’s also a great way of stretching the ankles, thighs, and hips. To relieve neck pain, place a pillow underneath your head.

Suffering from back pain? Place a pillow underneath your torso to prevent discomfort. Avoid using this pose if you have high blood pressure and knee problems.

3. Reclining Goddess Pose

A classic restorative pose, it improves circulation by stimulating the heart. It also calms your nervous system, relieving stress and mild depression. You can do it using a pillow underneath your head, knees, or spine—or all three for maximum comfort.

Follow a Bedtime Yoga Routine Today

These are some important reasons to start with a bedtime yoga routine. Use the basic poses listed above to start your journey toward having more restful nights.

Looking for more methods of improving your lifestyle? You’re in luck! We have many valuable tips and tricks to accomplish your fitness goals.

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