5 Tricks to Improve Your Mood in Minutes

People Happily Engaging in a Conversation Outdoors

We all get stuck in a bad mood from time to time.

For some of us, it can be extremely hard to lift ourselves out of it. Fortunately, there are lots of proven methods we can fall back on to try and lift our spirits.

If you need to learn how to be in a good mood, try one of these five tricks. You might just find a new method for happiness.

1. Try a Mood-Lifting Supplement

If you struggle with anxiety or depression, a bad mood can feel like the end of the world. It can seem almost impossible to ever be happy again. You may not even want to leave the house to get essentials, like food, or even your medication.

If you have a prescription for anti-depressants that you rely on, try shopping at this online pharmacy. All you have to do is send them proof of your prescription and they’ll send your medication straight to your mailbox. No matter how severe your depression or anxiety, this can make a huge difference.

Even if you don’t have a diagnosed or prescribed condition, supplements may still help raise your mood. Supplements that include things like vitamin D, magnesium, and ginkgo Biloba work to boost your dopamine levels. This will help raise you from your funk without having to visit a doctor.

Plus, they’re much more natural than most doctors prescribed prescriptions. If you fear you have depression or anxiety, visit your doctor. They’ll put you on the best course for relief.

2. Exercise

If you’re ever feeling down in the dumps, try working out.

You can go for a run, lift some weights, or just go for a nice walk. Try to pick something you can enjoy, that’ll get your mind off of whatever’s irking you. Pop in some music to help keep yourself focused on the positive.

There’s a proven link between exercise and positivity. It helps your body pump more oxygen into the brain, which directly helps lower feelings of depression and anxiety. It also releases endorphins, which decreases feelings of mental and physical pain.

To top it all off, exercise releases dopamine and serotonin in your brain which lasts for hours after the exercise has ended. Within minutes of your workout, you’ll notice those feelings of dread and sadness lift right off your shoulders. After about half an hour, you’ll wonder why you were even upset in the first place.

Plus, keeping fit is a great way to boost your self-confidence and find happiness in your own skin.

3. Make Genuine Connections

There’s no better way to get into a depressive slump than browsing social media too much.

There’s a real disconnect between reality and social media. Everyone on social media is beautiful, happy, and living life to its fullest. At least, that’s how they make it seem.

It’s easy to get FOMO and feel lesser when you browse social media too much. The best way to combat this is to make genuine connections. Call a friend, go get a coffee, or chat over Skype or another video-based system.

Remember that what you see on social media isn’t real and that your friends are just a call away.

You can even try and make new friends. Join a class, a club, or use a friend-finding app. There are more ways than ever to make new connections, and doing so will instantly boost your mood.

4. Change Your Surroundings

A simple change of scenery can boost your mood exponentially.

This could mean cleaning up your cluttered surroundings, moving furniture, or going out somewhere you love. 

Moving things around takes a lot of thought and allows you to be creative. It’s your space, and you can do whatever you want with it. You’ll feel like you have a whole new space once you’re done.

Staying in the exact same environment too long creates too much familiarity. Space begins to feel claustrophobic and untidy even if it’s not.

You could even try rearranging your furniture to follow the rules of feng shui. Feng shui looks to strike a balance between the natural world and your room. Its main goal is to give a person peace in their surroundings through proper order.

The rules of feng shui involve separating rest and work areas, color coordinating, and arranging your bed so you always have a clear view of the door. 

You could also just go somewhere you love and unwind. Be that a coffee shop, a walk through the park, or to your favorite shop, you do you. Keeping yourself caged to the same familiar locale too often is bound to cause depression in anyone.

5. Laugh & Smile

One of the fastest ways you can boost your mood is by laughing.

Laughing raises dopamine levels in your brain. When you laugh, several segments of your brain responsible for dopamine are triggered all at once. These include the ventral tegmental area, the amygdala, and the nucleus accumbens.

Put on a funny movie or show, go see some local stand up, or get together with some friends who make you laugh. Whatever it is that makes you genuinely laugh, seek it out. You’ll feel better in minutes.

Even a smile can boost your mood

When you smile, even if it’s forced, your brain will associate the muscle movements with a feeling of happiness. That means increased dopamine production and happiness for you. You’ll feel less stressed, your blood pressure will drop, and you’ll much happier than before.

Learning How to Be in a Good Mood

It’s not always easy to know how to be in a good mood. But practicing the five methods above is a good place to start. Hopefully, these simple tactics are enough to lift you from your slump and get you back to your happy place.

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