6 Crazy Effective Ways to Pass a Marijuana Drug Test

marijuana drug test

If you need to pass a marijuana drug test, there’s hope. In fact, you can still pass a test for marijuana if you’ve smoked recently.

The following methods will help you pass a drug test:

1. Natural Detox For a Marijuana Drug Test

If you have thirty to forty-five days before your test, detox the natural way: drink water and exercise the THC out of your system.

For this method to work, it’s important to abstain from using cannabis. That includes CBD oil. You also have to drink a lot of water to flush the cannabis compounds out of your system.

THC is fat soluble. That means it’s stored in your fat cells. Exercising will help you release the cannabis compounds stored in your body and your fat cells.

If you don’t have the time to do this, there are other methods.

2. Detox Drink

Some companies make specialized detox drinks to pass drug tests. These drinks not only temporarily cleanse your system, but they often mask your urine to prevent marijuana and other drugs from showing up.

You can find a detox drink at a head shop or buy one online if you have the time for that. Make sure you get a detox drink that’s meant for your weight range. You must follow the directions on the box precisely.

If the drug test is sophisticated enough, it might be able to detect the presence of a detox drink.

3. Synthetic Urine

If you don’t have faith in your urine’s ability to pass, opt for synthetic urine. If the synthetic urine is made correctly, it won’t be obvious on a drug test.

Be sure to carefully read the instructions and follow them. You might have to mix the synthetic urine together beforehand. The urine will probably come with heating pads you can use to transport it to the test.

Some synthetic urine brands, like the whizzinator, provide a prosthetic penis with adjustable straps to be more discrete.

4. Real Urine

You can also use a real person’s urine to pass a drug test. Just make sure you know the person hasn’t used any drugs recently.

This method is difficult because it’s hard to warm up the urine to the right temperature before the test.

5. Shave Off All of Your Hair

If you’re given a hair test, you’re screwed if you’re a regular cannabis user. Your only hope is to shave off all your hair.

When I say “shave off all of your hair,” I mean all of it – including your armpits and privates. The lab might request hair from other parts of your body, so make sure you have no hair to give.

6. Delay the Marijuana Drug Test

Use any excuse you need to delay the drug test. Then you can decide on which of the options you can use.

You Can Do It

If you fail, don’t worry. At least 4.2% of American workers fail drug tests and the number is rising.

Stay positive so your drug test results will show up negative.

Investigate more of science and things that will interest you. You’ll like the benefits.

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