7 Tips to Stay Motivated (Even When You Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything)

They say starting is half the battle. But once you get there, there’s still a whole other half to tackle!

Motivation is the key to keep going and see a project through to the end. This could be a creative project, a work task, or even a personal goal. Whatever you’re trying to accomplish, staying motivated is going to be your not-so-secret weapon.

Keep reading for some excellent tips to stay motivated.

1. Strategic Timing

Some people love working in the early morning. Others crave the late-night hours. Whatever your groove, embrace it.

Make sure you block off time just to work during these hours. This is an act of kindness to your future self.

You might like working during these times because they’re peaceful and quiet. Try paying attention to the times you like to work, and then respond accordingly. Check out this article for some more time-based motivation tips.

It’s okay if you’re not a morning person. Although many people thrive when they start their tasks at dawn, this isn’t true for everyone. And you don’t have to change who you are.

Just find what times work for you and schedule your day around that. If you’re not sure yet, try out some different routines until you find something that gives you that extra boost.

2. Work With a Partner

If you’ve never worked alongside a friend before, you might be missing out on the magic of shared presence. Don’t worry about being shy—you don’t have to show your work to the friend or even tell them what you’re doing.

Working next to each other just means you’re both in the same space, concentrating on your own tasks. Your working buddy can help inspire you to keep going. And they’re also there for you when you want to celebrate a new goal you’ve just reached.

3. Reward Yourself

Ever wish you could receive an award for the effort you put into your work? Some days, it takes all you’ve got just to show up.

The nice thing about taking charge of your motivation is that you can choose when to reward yourself for a good job. You can define “good job” however you want—some moments are much harder than others. If you get motivated by praise and rewards, try giving yourself those things!

You can reward yourself for free with a spoken or written affirmation of how proud you are. Or if you have a favorite snack, you can reward yourself with food.

You can also reward yourself with periods of free time to do whatever you love to do. In that time, you could watch TV, enjoy your hobbies, or even take a relaxing bath.

4. Work for Short Bursts

When you’re not feeling motivated, working for several hours at a time might seem like a Herculean task.

But what about just twenty minutes? And then twenty minutes more?

Short bursts of work (with breaks in between) don’t demand large chunks of attention. They’re easy to commit to, and you can reward yourself with fun breaks, like in the previous tip.

Working for limited amounts of time can also help you get more done in the time you have. When you settle down for a long work session, it can take a while to get the ball rolling. Work “sprints” can speed that process up.

5. Tips to Stay Motivated When You’re Tired

What if you’re just too tired to stay motivated? Well, for a quick fix, you could make yourself a cup of coffee or tea. And in the longer term, you could try to get on a better sleep schedule.

But even if you’re on a caffeine break and don’t have the gift of sleep-schedule foresight, you can still wake yourself up in a variety of ways.

One of those ways is to get your body moving with some gentle stretching. Don’t go overboard—you don’t want to wipe yourself out with a full workout (unless the workout is what you’re trying to get motivated for). If you’re short on time, look up some easy workouts you can do at your own desk.

And another way is to play some music otherwise entertain yourself when you start to feel drowsy. Make the work go by easier with a little bit of fun.

6. Give Yourself Ease-in Time

Are you scheduling things back to back? Well, you might be missing out on something important: ease-in time. Building this in could help you do your work with a clearer mind.

To do this, give yourself some space in between the things you have to do. Resist the urge to check your phone or otherwise distract yourself in this “dead” time. Just allow yourself to be present at your workstation and gain the right mindset for what you need to do.

7. Take Care of Yourself

This tip might seem a little counter-intuitive, but it’s an important part of sustaining your energy. Get some rest, stay fed and hydrated, and take care of your body’s needs.

It might take some time out of your day to focus on these things, but you’ll gain that time (and energy) back by having a better work session. When your body’s needs aren’t being met, your body will complain about it. And who can work when someone’s complaining?

Now Go Crush That Goal

After all the hard work you do to build up your skills and abilities, it might seem odd that so much depends on your mindset. But it’s true. You might be surprised at what changes once you learn and use these tips to stay motivated.

So go out there and cultivate your motivation! Remember to take breaks and take care of yourself. Slow and steady wins the race.

And for more tips on living a better life, check out the rest of our site.

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