Don’t Regret Your Ink: How to Pick a Tattoo You Won’t End Up Hating

About 22 percent of Americans with body art regret their decision of getting a tattoo.

The wrong choice of a tattoo can be costly, painful, and inconvenient.

As such, there are a lot of factors that you must consider when deciding to get inked. These include size, color, style, meaning, placement of the design, as well as the expertise of the artist.

This post will discuss various tips on how to pick a tattoo that you will not regret later on.

1. Decide Whether You Really Want a Tattoo

This is arguably the most important consideration when it comes to putting ink on your body. A lot of people make that decision too quickly and have to live with the consequences.

This is why you should never get a tattoo when under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. In fact, in states such as Texas, it is illegal for one to get tattooed while under the influence. Moreover, no reputable artist will agree to it anyway.

As such, you might want to consider several factors before getting a tattoo. For example, whether and how it will affect your social life and the attitude towards tattoos in your work environment.

Fortunately, tattoo removal through laser technology is possible. To learn about this procedure, visit for more information.

2. How to Pick a Tattoo

If you have decided to go ahead with getting the tattoo, the next step is to decide what you want it to look like. Remember, what might be ideal for your friend might not be suitable for you. Therefore, consider:


It is recommended that you get a smaller design if it is your first tattoo. Large tattoos take hours or repeat visits to the artist to get completed.

Getting a tattoo can be a painful process and that’s why a small tattoo is better at introducing you to the process. Depending on how you feel, you will decide whether getting inked is for you.


At first, well-done tattoo designs that incorporate a lot of vibrant colors are quite impressive. However, over time, they may start fading and even disappear, thus necessitating a re-touch. Are you willing to be doing this every few years?


Your body is your canvas, therefore, there are unlimited meanings to what your tattoo could represent. Tattoos need to reflect you – what you love, believe in, or personality.

Certain types of images are timeless. Animals, flowers, fire, water, skulls, and religious symbols have withstood the test of time. If such images resonate with your personality, then consult with an artist to see how they can be made unique to you.

However, there are certain subjects you should consider avoiding. They include:

  • The name of your girlfriend or boyfriend as they might not be in your future
  • Politics because views change all the time
  • Celebrities as they may fall from grace
  • Popular culture because that movie or TV show will not mean as much in the future

Where You Want It

When deciding where to put the tattoo on your body, consider:

Getting a Mock-Up

Look for a good artist to draw your design on various parts of your body using a non-permanent marker to see where it looks best.


As mentioned earlier, there is still a fair amount of stigma surrounding tattoos, especially in workplaces. Therefore, consider having it in a place where you can cover it up with clothes if need be.


People have varying degrees of pain threshold. Some describe the experience as ticklish while others say they felt like they were getting stabbed.

If you have a lower pain threshold, then you should consider getting the tattoo in less sensitive areas such as the butt, thighs, or calves.

3. Find the Right Tattoo Artist

Finding a good artist is not easy. The best artists are unlikely to take you on demand as they usually have a long list of people waiting in line.

Nonetheless, it does not mean that you should settle for the first artist you meet; this is your body and you want the best for it.

The following tips should help you get a good and professional artist:


Tattooing involves breaking through your skin. This means that your health is at risk if the process is not done correctly. Therefore, check for cleanliness. If you have identified an artist, schedule a consultation.

While there, ask to look around the studio. A good artist will not mind and will give you a tour. Old bandages and needles lying around should let you know that the artist does not take cleanliness seriously.


The best way to know whether an artist is worth their salt is through thorough research. Ask for recommendations from friends as well as social media. Instagram, especially, is full of artists displaying their art.

Also, be bold. If you spot someone with incredible art as you walk down the street, stop them, compliment them, then ask who their artist is. People with ink love it when someone admires their art.

Review Each Recommendation

Take your time and check out all the studios and social media profiles that you have gathered during your research. This will help you choose the best artist.

Make the Right Decision

Hopefully, this article has provided you with enough information on how to pick a tattoo.

You will realize that getting a tattoo it is not a decision to be taken lightly. Of equal importance is the kind of art you choose.

A tattoo can have a significant impact on both your professional and social life. For instance, a neck or face tattoo is likely going to be frowned upon in most work environments.

Similarly, a tattoo of your ex’s name or face might jeopardize any subsequent relationship you might have.

Utilize the above tips to get a beautiful piece of body art that you will not regret later on. Still not sure about getting a tattoo? Check out this blog to get insights on how to be sure that you are ready to get your first tattoo.





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