Easy Latte Art: How to Create Amazing Designs in Coffee Like a Pro

Are you trying to impress someone? Make breakfast in bed into something more?

Then you may want to learn how to do latte art. It’s not as hard as it seems, and no, Starbucks doesn’t hold the secret.

The secret to latte art is a good quality steamer and high-fat milk. A frothy espresso shot doesn’t hurt either. Want to learn the trick to easy latte art?

Check out our guide below.

Step 1

You’re not going to be able to make latte art with your pour over coffee machine, it just doesn’t work. You’ll need some sort of espresso machine and steamer to pull this off.

The Nespresso pods machine is a good choice. For the best surface to work with, use a mug that has a wide opening. A classic coffee mug will work, but you have less art canvas to work with.

Brew the espresso so that it’s nice and frothy at the top. There should be a layer of a beautiful brown-orange color foam. That’s step one.

Now, quickly, steam some milk. You want it frothy but still fluid.

High-fat milk is the way to go. We know, the calories are high, but low-fat milk won’t froth the way you need it to.

Step 2

Now that you have both the espresso and the milk, you can start your artwork. Take a deep breath and calm your hands. You need to be focused but not shaky for the next part.

Take the cup of espresso and tilt it away from you. Don’t tilt it so much that you start to see the non-frothed layer underneath.

With your other hand, take the steamed milk container. It may be hot, so hold the handle or make sure to use a small towel.

Pour the milk into the cup, starting from the center. The milk should be about an inch from the surface of the coffee.

Now, wiggle as you pour. Remember to use small movements – your canvas is small too.

Step 3

Now, wiggle your hand back and forth in a zig-zag pattern. Start getting closer to the surface of the coffee. You should see a shape building now.

Slowly, tilt the cup back up to a flat level. Then, pull your milk up a little bit, back to an inch above, and finish your pour. Send one quick pour of milk through your design, like you were slicing it in half.

Now you should have what looks like a fern or layered hearts. Congratulations, this is the basic rosetta pattern!

Easy Latte Art: Getting Better

The only thing we can tell you about people that master more than easy latte art is that they practice. It’s one of those things that only gets better the more you do it, and you can’t recreate it in a non-coffee setting.

Be patient and creative, you’ll figure it out! Even if you have a messy design, it’ll still taste like delicious liquid energy.

So get a cup of espresso and go pursue your dreams!

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