Have a Good Morning With These 5 Healthy Green Tea Brands

There are so many health benefits to drinking green tea, but there are so many different brands to choose from that it might feel a little overwhelming at first. Where do you start?

That’s why we’ve put together a list of our five favorite healthy tea brands, for a cup of green tea that’s healthy and great-tasting too. Interested? Read on to find out more about the best green tea brands around!

Twinings Green Tea

Twinings have been doing what they do for a long time — since 1706, to be exact — and their experience shines through as they prove to be one of the best healthy tea brands. 

There’s a fairly strong, tannic taste to the tea, as well as some floral notes, giving this tea a pleasant taste. They don’t stop at green tea either. If you’re after a healthy black tea brand too, Twinings again fit the bill as they offer a broad range of teas to try.

Bigelow Green Tea

Bigelow Green Tea encourages healthy digestion as it comes with probiotics. With an earthy, umami-style taste, it’s been compared to the Japanese seaweed Nori, and you can either buy the green tea with or without ginger depending on your taste preference.

Ganeden BC30 probiotics are included in this tea, helping your body absorb and use protein and supporting healthy digestion too. Although the health benefits of chicory coffee and similar drinks are well-documented, it’s worth giving this Bigelow tea a try.

Yogi Green Tea Super Antioxidant

If you’re looking for an antioxidant green tea, there’s no need to look any further than Yogi. The flavor of this healthy beverage is herbal, as there’s a combination of lemongrass, dandelion, and burdock root.

However, Yogi mixes these with grapeseed extract — this is what gives the tea the antioxidants. It’s organic and GMO-free too, making Yogi one of the best healthy organic tea brands.

Diet Lipton Green Tea

A little different from the others in this list, there’s a good reason to include this drink here. Lipton is one of a few healthy bottled tea brands, and we consider it to be the best. The citrus flavor might not be for everyone, but there are other flavors out there, including berry, which you may prefer.

Brewed and iced green tea, it’s not one for those of you who like a hot cup of tea, but it’s useful to have with you on the go and tastes great too.

Tazo Zen Green Tea 

Want a more minty green tea? Perhaps you’re new to the world of green tea or want something the disguise the taste. If so, there’s no need to look past Tazo Zen.

With a medium level of caffeine, it includes spearmint and lemongrass to create a unique green tea that tastes good and is healthy too — it’s definitely one to consider. 

Finding Healthy Tea Brands

These are just some of the healthy tea brands out there. However, there are plenty more to explore, and it’s up to you to find your favorite — you may decide to take our suggestions on board and treat yourself to a tasty yet healthy beverage.

If you’re looking for more useful tips, check out the rest of our posts!

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