How to Find an Online Pharmacy You Can Trust

Nearly everything ‘online’ is booming. Online shopping, online dating, online everything…

That includes buying medication and supplements online. The popularity of purchasing over the internet is only going in one direction. In 2008, it was estimated that there were less than 3000 online pharmacies operating worldwide.

Now, it is thought there are between 30,000 to 50,000 online pharmacies operating in the U.S alone. Many of these are not based on U.S soil but operate remotely from countries like China and Turkey but have distribution networks within the states.

Americans spend about $1200 per year on prescription drugs. That is more than any other developed country in the world. It is little surprise then, that many Americans are turning to online pharmacies for cheaper drugs.

What about you? Have you considered buying medication online?

The attraction is clear but so are the dangers. This article is going to help. Read on about how to find an online pharmacy you can trust.

Know Your Motivation

Before you race out and buy medication online it is worth asking yourself a few of the following questions. Your answers will help you take the necessary precautions.

  • What is the main reason you want to buy medication online?
  • Is it because you want to buy medication cheaper?
  • Is it because you prefer the convenience of medication coming to your door?
  • Is it because you prefer more privacy?
  • Is it because you want medication but without the prescription?

Depending on your answers to the above questions you can unwittingly place yourself at more risk than others. If for example, the main attraction is convenience and you are insured, then you could ask your insurance for a list of approved online pharmacies.

That will save you a lot of time and potential trouble. If, however, you want medication without a prescription or just because it is cheap, then you need to be careful as the fake medication industry is booming with a value into the hundreds of millions of dollars every year.

Know the Warning Signs

Freedom is firmly written into the American constitution. You have the right to choose where and how you will buy your medication. So here are some of the warning signs to help you spot a trouble site and avoid it.

Too Cheap

It is accepted that drug companies control the price of drugs and this can lead to very expensive medication. Buying drugs online cuts out a lot of middle ground that can save a lot of money. Hence the attraction.

However, be very careful of drugs that are too cheap. Price can be bait and if it is the only consideration you make, you will be the victim.

It is wise to research your drug online first. You can compare prices between several online pharmacies or you can use a comparison site like PharmacyChecker.

Phantom Pharmacist

Only buy medication online from a supplier who actually employs a pharmacist. This sounds basic but it can be overlooked. You should be able to get in touch with the pharmacist by calling them up and asking questions.

This is one of the best ways to check. If you do not do this then you will have to take their word there is a pharmacist employed. Far better to get in touch and establish some relationship with the pharmacist first.

This is a great idea because as your online pharmacist gets to know you, they will better spot medications that you should not take together.

Spam Your Inbox

Be warned, if you have to register your email with the site and you start to receive a steady stream of marketing material promoting super cheap medication, then you will likely have problems.

Stay away from super cheap sites that spam your inbox. The medication may be counterfeit or at the very least, not contain the right levels of the active ingredients you need from your medication.

No Prescription Needed

Prescriptions are the basic means with which your doctor communicates to your pharmacist what medications you need. They are a tool and ultimately are there to help protect you.

If you use online pharmacies that do not require a copy of your prescription then you are potentially putting yourself at risk.

Even if you have a common condition such as arthritis, your prescription is personalized to your individual healthcare needs. Don’t accept medication without one.

Approved Online Pharmacies

Online pharmacies that sell counterfeit medication are clever. They are very good at looking like the real thing. That includes the look and feel of the website itself.

Rather than just relying on warning signs you should only use sites that are fully licensed. Check out some of the resource below to help.


VIPPS stands for verified internet pharmacy practice sites. This is a list of approved sites maintained by the national pharmacy board.

Websites that are approved will have the VIPPS seal on the site. Alternatively, you can check the list here.

These pharmacies are subject to monitoring in 17 quality control areas and their presence on the list of approved sites serves as a helpful reassurance that you can trust their services. The website also has a facility to report sites.

Dot Pharmacy

Another measure employed to help consumers know if they are using a safe site is the website domain ‘.pharmacy’.

These domains are only given to approved sites and serve as another layer of safety for consumers.

That is not to say all online pharmacies that do not meet this criterion should be avoided. These safeguards are specific to online pharmacies based in the U.S. However, there are many legitimate sites based overseas in the U.K or other countries like New Zealand.

For an example, check out Kiwi Drug.

Trust Me, I’m a Doctor

There is no doubt that online pharmacies will continue to be popular. In this article, you have read about some of the warning signs to look out for to help protect you. Also, you have seen that for U.S based sites there is an approved list.

Try to follow the same basic common sense you would use when consulting a doctor. You would not accept advice, from a stranger you never met with no safeguards, as medical fact.

Check out these great health tips here to help you with your overall health.

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