How to Successfully Hail a Taxi at Any Airport in the World

Driver in front of taxi waiting for clients

More people are traveling around the world than ever before.

A staggering number of us now hop on flights and hit the road every year. For instance, there were around 1.4 billion international tourist arrivals in 2018.

As anybody who’s ever taken a flight knows, though, the flight is only the first part of the journey!

You land, tired and disheveled after hours in the air, and then have to find onward transport. Many people choose to hail a taxi and save themselves some hassle.

But that can also be easier said than done!

The method of getting a taxi seems to differ everywhere you go. In a new place, unaware of the expectations, the whole process can seem like a mystery.

Thankfully, we’ve got some tips and tricks to help you grab a cab wherever you go. Sound good?

Read on for 7 key considerations for hailing a taxi at an airport.

1. Stand and Wave

Traveling from big US cities like New York?

Then this is the version of events you’re probably used to.

You stand outside the airport, spot a taxi, and stick your arm out to hail them down! Just like they do in the movies. With any luck, the driver will see you, have space, and pull over to let you in.

Make sure you have the address of your final destination ready to go. In a non-English speaking country? Having the address written down in the local language might help too.

The next few tips should better your chances of seeing success with this approach.

2. Make Yourself More Visible

One problem with catching a cab at an airport is how busy it can get.

You can easily blend into the mass of humanity buzzing around you. There are people scurrying around in all directions, getting on public transport, rushing to their cars, greeting friends and family, and so on.

Any cab drivers going past might not see you or your outstretched arm.

Do what you can to separate yourself from the crowd. For example, you could make yourself more visible by stepping out onto the street (not too far obviously!). With your arm out and a foot on the road, cabs will be more aware of your presence.

3. Make Eye Contact

Try to make eye contact with the driver too.

They’ll be scanning the sidewalk to see if anybody wants to be picked up. A typical sign of interest is when a hopeful passenger is staring them down!

Conversely, someone who’s looking away seems disinterested. The driver’s likely to keep going.

Now you’ve got your arm out, your foot in the road, and your eyes on the driver. That’ll give you the best chance of hailing down a taxi using this method.

4. Check the Lights

You’ll never have any luck if you’re trying to hail the wrong taxis.

But which are the wrong ones? Simple:

Those that are either off-duty or occupied. Again, you’ll be familiar with this if you’re from New York. The yellow cabs will only pick someone up if they’ve got the center number lit up.

The same goes, generally, for other taxis around the world.

However, the exact ‘lighting system’ can and does differ. For example, in places like London, cabs have a ‘taxi’ sign on the top. If that’s lit up, then you’re in luck.

More often than not, that’s how it works in other places too. Look for the lights to see if there’s a space for you inside.  

5. Queue Up at the Cab Stand

But what if that doesn’t work?

As we said, different places have their own methods for hailing cabs. Some airports won’t have taxis driving past waiting to pick you up.

You could be standing on the sidewalk with your arm outstretched for some time!

If that fails, then go hunting for the cab stand. Most airports have one as it gives some order to the process of hailing a taxi.

There’s a queue of cabs to meet the needs of queueing passengers. The cab at the front takes the first passenger and, when they’ve driven away, the second cab along pulls up for the next passenger.

Go ahead and look to see if there’s can stand. It’s usually right outside the arrivals hall.

6. Book in Advance

This step is probably one of the most sensible on the list!

Getting to a new destination is often a long and tiring process. The last thing you want when you land is to struggle over hailing a cab.

The easiest thing to do is organize the taxi in advance via the internet. You walk into the arrivals hall, find the friendly face with your name on a sign, and head straight to the vehicle.

Job done. No waiting, confusion, or frustration. You’re straight into the taxi and on your way.

Sound good? There’s a host of websites you can use to book your airport taxi. Try doing some research before the flight and book in advance to find better prices.

7. Ask at the Airport Information Desk

Arrived at your destination and finding it difficult to hail a cab?

Well, don’t worry. There’s almost always an information desk inside that can help. Head back into the arrivals halls and have a hunt.

There’s usually a big ‘i’ somewhere, highlighting where you can find it. When you find it you can ask them to call a local cab company or simply to direct you where you need to go.

You could even consider making this your first port of call when you land. Go directly to the information desk to ask about catching a cab, rather than trying to figure the system out for yourself.

Time to Hail a Taxi!

Catching a cab to your accommodation is usually the easiest thing to do after a long flight.

It saves the hassle of figuring out the local transport system. You can settle back and enjoy a door to door service. Unfortunately, knowing how to hail a taxi in a new place can be a challenge too! Hopefully, this post will help you do it. 

Keep reading our blog for more tips.

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