The Most Dangerous Animals in the Wild

Woman Underwater Facing a Shark

Each year, the U.S. spends $2 billion in healthcare costs to treat injuries caused by animal attacks. Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of these cases have deadly results. 

These animals range from tiny insects to gigantic mammals and can cause fatal diseases or mortal wounds. 

If you want to know which animals to keep your distance from then you should know which ones just look scary and which ones are an actual threat. 

Read on to discover the most dangerous animals in the world. 

Rabid and Unfriendly Dog Bites

You might not think that the most dangerous animals in the world are lounging on your couch right now. While a dog can be a part of your family, they were once wild animals. So, given the right circumstance, they can cause major harm. 

Between 25,000 to 35,000 people die from rabid dogs each year, accounting for the majority of rabies infections. The most affected by dog attacks are young children under the age of 4. 

The cause of dog aggression in many cases is caused by abuse from humans. So, most dogs are the friendly, loving animals that you play fetch with.

Stray or unfamiliar dogs should be avoided. Never assume a dog is harmless unless you know them.

Cape Buffalo Stampede

One of the most dangerous wild animals in the Sahara aren’t lions rather a docile creature when left alone. The Cape Buffalo travels in herds, which is what makes them so dangerous. 

When threatened, especially by hunters, their name changes to the Black Death as all you will see is a wave of dark dust coming toward you. Plus, you can’t outrun or, in some cases, outdrive their 35-mile-an-hour charge. 

Steer clear of the curved horns of these roaming buffalo even if you are in a vehicle. 

Mosquito Bites and Disease

Getting bit by a mosquito isn’t just a nuisance it also leads to deadly diseases. Most mosquitos are as harmful as a red mark and scratchy bump on your arm. However, in countries where the humidity is extreme, sanitation is below average, and populations are dense, mosquitos pass on lethal diseases to their prey. 

Malaria, Dengue Fever, Yellow Fever, and the West Nile Virus are the most commonly transmitted diseases by mosquitos that lead to approximately 725,000 deaths and roughly 700 million infections a year. 

Box Jelly Fish Stings to Death

When you think of the most dangerous wild animals in the ocean a vicious shark comes to mind. However, sharks only account for a few deaths each year. The more potent threat is a nearly invisible Box Jelly Fish. 

Their 10-foot long tentacles contain thousands of tiny stingers that are almost unavoidable if you come in contact with one. The worst part is their transparent box-shaped body that hides within the waves of the sea. 

Most people who get stung go into cardiac arrest as its venom targets the central nervous system, the heart, and the entire surface of your skin at once. This leads to drowning or a heart attack if the victim can’t make it to the hospital for the antidote. 

Golden Dart Frog Passively Kills

Not all wild animals have to use aggression to be deadly. The Golden Dart Frog’s skin is one of the most poisonous in the world. It has the strength to kill several people at once with just one touch. 

Luckily, you will have to visit the rainforests of Columbia’s coast to encounter one of these tropical frogs. Also, sadly, due to deforestation, the Golden dart Frog is included on the endangered species list. 

If you do see one, don’t be tempted to touch it and avoid the native territory of the Emberá tribe as they have been using the frog’s poison to make their blow darts deadly for centuries. 

Crocodile Cuisine

While many animals in the wild use their fatal potential to protect themselves, the crocodile sees you as its next meal. You might spot this vicious creature on this safari guide in parts of Africa among swamps and rivers. However, you can also find them in Southeast Asia and as far as Australia. 

If you spot one from a distance be sure to retreat. Don’t let their enormous size of up to 23 feet long and over 2,000 pounds fool you. They can swim quicker than you think. Once they have you in their grasp there is no chance of surviving the 3,700 square inches of pressure as they close their massive jaw.

Cone Snail

This deceptively dangerous critter looks harmless but contains one of the world’s most deadly venoms inside. With just one bite their sharp teeth will send the poison conotoxin into your nervous system. It stops your cells from sending signals to one another, causing paralysis in its victims. 

You can recognize this snail by its long 6-inch shell with brown and white marble patterns. They live in the warm waters of Hawaii, the Caribbean, and Indonesia, hanging near the shores and reefs. 

If you do get bit, rush to the emergency room immediately. Their venom enters your system quickly and there is no antidote, giving it the nickname “cigarette snail” as you won’t have time for a smoke before your end. 

Avoiding Most Dangerous Animals

Your first defense against the most dangerous animals is to be aware of them. Know which animals live nearby your home and if you travel, research potential wild animals in the area. You should also include antidotes to common poisonous creators, natural bug repellent, and a first aid kit to treat minor wounds. 

Visit our Outdoor & Travel section for more tips to stay safe while exploring the wilderness. 

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