Important Winter Health Tips to Stay Fit, Active, and Sick-Free This Chilly Season

Winter Health Tips

Whilst going out with wet hair isn’t actually going to make you sick, there are things you can do this winter to stay fit and healthy. 

If you seem to be under the weather more often than not, we take a look at some winter health tips to keep you going until summertime. 

You’ll feel like a spring chicken after reading our advice!

Wash Your Hands

This year we have all become acutely aware of handwashing more regularly. We’ve also learned how to wash our hands properly to remove germs and bacteria from between fingers and around wrists. 

t’s not just Covid that washing your hands will help prevent. If you’re not already, wash your hands regularly, particularly if you come into contact with someone that’s ill and always before meals and after using the restroom.

Clean Surfaces

It’s no good having clean hands if they are touching unclean surfaces. Be sure to wipe down areas particularly where food is kept, prepared, or eaten, especially before doing any of those things. 

This is especially important if someone in your home is poorly. Keep on top of those germs to stop the whole house from becoming infected.

Get Your Flu Shot

The most effective way of avoiding the flu is to get your vaccination. This is especially important if you’re elderly or in an at-risk group. 

Eat Well

We don’t mean stuffing your face, we mean healthy foods that can help fight off illnesses, give us energy, and increase our overall wellbeing. 

Nutritious foods are things like fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and foods low in salt, sugar, and saturated fats. 

Drink Up!

Make sure you stay hydrated during the winter months. It’s easy to drink lots of hot drinks to make you feel cozy but the dry air and heating indoors could be making you dehydrated. Remember to drink plenty of water.

Turn Up The Heat

Another of our health tips for fall and winter, if you’re elderly or at-risk you should make sure you’re home is at a safe temperature to avoid hypothermia. Check out this thermometer so you can keep your home at least 68–70°F. Keep doors closed and use curtains and towels to keep drafts at bay.

Go Outside

It’s important to stay active and a great way to do that is to go outside. Wrap up warm, be brave, and take the plunge!

You could take a walk and enjoy the frosty crunch underfoot, get some chores done in the yard, or if you’re lucky enough to have some snow, make a snowman or have a snowball fight!

If you’re really not up for going outside in the cold, or if it’s also wet and windy outside, there is plenty you can do inside to stay active and keep fit. You can find exercise videos online which don’t require any equipment.

Winter Health Tips

Following these winter health tips to stay active, and to eat well will help you stay warm and healthy through the colder months. Find more great articles by exploring our website! 

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