Improve Your Bone Health: 4 Simple Ways to Increase Bone Density

Osteoporosis is a serious disease caused by the loss of bone density. Symptoms include back pain, loss of height, and bones that break easily. Osteoporosis is something that everyone, especially women, should work to prevent from a young age.

What can you do to not only prevent bone density loss but actually increase bone density?

Believe it or not, there are some key, easy to implement methods you can start practicing right away.

Read on for four ways that you can increase bone density and prevent the onset of osteoporosis or lower your chances of severe symptoms. 

1. Consume Dairy the Right Way

We’ve all grown up knowing that milk builds strong bones. The calcium in dairy products helps to keep your bones healthy and strong, preventing bone density loss and helping your body take on the strain of daily activities.

The problem is that a lot of the dairy products we buy in the store may not contain as much calcium as we think. Some commercially manufactured milks and yogurts have gone through so much processing that a lot of that good stuff has been leeched out. Some claim to put calcium back in–but why should they have to if calcium is a natural component of milk?

Make sure that you’re consuming dairy the right way with the leading dairy solutions for health and wellness.

2. Add Strength Training to Your Workout

Did you know that doing even a light amount of weight training and high-impact exercise can promote the formation of new bone mass? Changing the way you workout can also reduce bone inflammation, which means that upping the ante can lower your pain levels.

Don’t worry–you don’t have to become a bodybuilder to get the benefits of weight training. Simply add some small hand weights to your workout routine, using them when you do squats and other exercises.

3. Increase Your Veggie Intake

Calcium isn’t the only thing our body needs to improve bone health and increase bone density. Vitamin C has been found to be one of the most important vitamins in bone production. Plus, other minerals beyond calcium can contribute to your strong, healthy bones.

To get the most out of your veggie intake, focus on green and yellow vegetables. This includes yellow bell peppers and tomatoes, as well as cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and leafy vegetables like kale and spinach.

4. Keep an Eye on Protein

About 50% of bone mass is made up of protein. Consuming the right amount of protein can do wonders for your bone density, as it increases calcium absorption. In other words, it doesn’t matter how much calcium you consume if you’re not getting an adequate amount of protein, too.

However, make sure that you don’t consume too much protein, either. Over-consumption of protein can have adverse effects on calcium absorption, damaging your bone health. Talk to your doctor about how much protein you should consume each day.

Increase Bone Density and Prevent Osteoporosis

Looking for ways to prevent osteoporosis? Any of our four tips will help to increase bone density and keep your bones healthy and strong!

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