Looking for a Higher Purpose: How Joining a Church Can Better Your Life

Over the last 30 years, the American population has gotten a whole lot less religious than it used to be.

Back in 1990, only about 10 percent of people didn’t have a religious affiliation. But today, that number sits at right around 20 percent. And by 2035, it’s expected to balloon all the way up to 35 percent.

Do you want to help buck this trend? If so, there are many benefits that you’ll enjoy when joining a church. Regardless of which religion you choose to follow, it can make a real impact on you.

Here are some of the ways in which joining a church can better your life.

Gives You Something to Believe In

Religion has been around for more than 100,000 years. Roughly 85 percent of the world’s total population embraces religious beliefs.

Have you ever wondered why that it is?

Study after study has suggested that it’s at least partly because humans are predisposed to believe in, well, something. Some scientists even believe that people’s brains have been primed to believe in religion over the years.

If you don’t have anything to believe in at the moment and you’re craving something to believe in, joining a church is a great way to scratch this itch. You can find a church that lines up with your beliefs and allows you to express them.

Provides You with a Place to Go Every Sunday

Most people have routines that they’ve established on weekdays. They wake up, get dressed, go to work, come home, eat dinner, hang out with their families, and then go to sleep so that they can do it all over again the following day.

But many people fall out of those routines on the weekend. And while giving yourself a little more freedom on weekends isn’t necessarily the worst thing in the world, it can also make you feel lost.

Joining a church will inject a sense of purpose into your weekends and allow you to establish new routines. You’ll enjoy waking up on Sunday mornings knowing that you have church-related activities planned for that day.

Makes You Part of a Community

One of the best parts about joining a church is that it instantly makes you a part of a community. By becoming part of a church community, you will:

  • Surround yourself with people who share your same beliefs
  • Form real connections with people you might not have met otherwise
  • Feel safer and more secure both inside of your church and out in the world
  • Work harder to reach your personal and spiritual goals
  • Get help when you need it most

And these days, you won’t only feel like you’re a part of a community on Sunday mornings when you join a church. Most churches have set up church apps that keep their members connected all week long.

Pushes You to Volunteer

Millions of Americans volunteer every year. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 25 percent of people choose to donate their time to a good cause.

If you’ve been thinking about volunteering but haven’t gotten around to it, joining a church could solve that problem. Most churches push their members to get out and volunteer as often as they can.

By volunteering more, you’ll be able to make a big difference in the lives of others. It’ll also enrich your own life. Those who volunteer are able to:

  • Meet lots of new people
  • Learn how to do new things
  • Overcome challenges
  • Ward off depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues
  • Increase their confidence levels

Ask a church about the volunteering opportunities they provide for members before joining. It might make you excited about the possibility of donating more of your time to the greater good.

Allows You to Take on Leadership Roles

Most churches hold some kind of service on Sundays. But they also have groups that meet at other times during the week.

Some of these groups are designed to help people understand things in the Bible. Others are set up to help those who are planning to get married or having a tough time in some area of their lives.

Whatever the case, all of these groups need people in leadership positions to guide them. When you join a church, you’ll get the chance to serve as a leader if you want to.

Leading a group can be a rewarding experience both for you and for those in your church community.

Sets a Great Example for Your Kids

The Pew Research Center conducted a comprehensive study of America’s religious beliefs in 2018. They took a closer look at why people who are a part of a church attend church services.

They found that:

  • 81 percent of people attend church to feel a closer connection to God
  • 68 percent of people attend church in an effort to make themselves better people
  • 66 percent of people attend church to help them navigate through troubled times
  • 59 percent of people attend church to hear sermons
  • 31 percent of people attend church to fulfill a religious obligation that they feel

But one of the most interesting things found in the Pew Research Center study is that 69 percent of people attend church solely to set a good example for their kids.

And if nothing else, this is a great reason to join a church. You can establish a strong moral foundation for your children by taking them to church and teaching them about your religious beliefs. 

Is Joining a Church Right for You?

Have you been feeling a little bit lost in life recently?

One way to combat this feeling is by joining a church. From the moment you walk into a church, you’ll feel a renewed sense of direction and purpose. You’ll also put yourself around people who can help you find your way through the world.

The key is to find a church that you enjoy attending. It’ll motivate you to show up for services on a regular basis and allow you to get access to all the benefits listed here.

Finding a good church will also give you a place to hold all of your life’s special events. From weddings to funerals, churches can host them all. Read our blog for more information on the funeral-planning process.

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