Personal Hygiene Checklist: 11 Things to Do Everyday

Did you know that personal hygiene has a connection with mental illness? If you want to learn some personal hygiene tips, we can help.

In this guide, we’ll go over a personal hygiene checklist that will boost your health.

Want to learn more? Keep reading.

1. Wash Your Hands Often

Reduce the spread of germs when you wash your hands. Make sure you clean your hands before and after you eat. Washing your hands before eating will prevent the spread of bacteria.

Wash your hands after the washroom and if you come into contact with someone who’s sick.

To get the right results, wash your hands for a certain period. Wet your hands and apply the soap. Generate a lather by rubbing your hands together. Scrub for 20 seconds, and then rinse your hands.

Keep an alcohol-based sanitizing gel handy if water and soap aren’t available.

2. Wash Daily

Showering will eliminate dirt and dead skin cells on your body, helping to reduce the spread of disease.

Make sure you shower after exercising. A three to four minute shower should be fine.

3. Brush Your Teeth Morning and Night

Floss and brush your teeth daily. Brushing will lower the number of bacteria in your mouth, leading to gum disease and tooth decay. Flossing will help your gums remain strong and healthy.

Unhealthy gums will cause your teeth to loosen, making it difficult to eat and chew. To keep a healthy smile, visit your dentist twice a year for a cleaning and checkup.

Try to avoid eating acidic and sugary foods or eat these foods in moderation. These types of food can cause cavities and wear away at your enamel.

After you eat these foods, make sure you rinse your mouth with water before brushing your teeth.

4. Get Dental Work Done

If you want to fix your teeth, consider getting some orthodontic work done. You might feel a bit self-conscious about your smile.

See if your health insurance will cover braces. Orthodontic care can also help prevent future injuries from protruding teeth. You’ll find you have an easier time cleaning, brushing, and flossing your teeth.

People who have braces tend to have a reduction in periodontal disease and cavities. You will also lower the risk of chipping and grinding your teeth.

5. Trim Your Nails

Trim your nails, so you reduce the risk of infected nail beds or hangnails. Use moisturizing hand cream and cuticle oil to protect your hands.

Keeping your toenails clean will lower the chances of contracting athlete’s foot.

6. Wash Your Clothes Daily

After you wear your clothes, make sure you wash them with a fragrant detergent. Dry the clothing right away after the washing machine finishes the cycle.

Dirty clothing can hold onto bacteria that lead to skin irritations and body odor.

7. Cover Your Mouth

If you sneeze or cough, try to cover your mouth. This way, you won’t spread germs to people around you.

Carry a hand sanitizer so you can wash your hands afterward. Keep a packet of tissues in your bag.

Learn about how and when to use palmpalm hand sanitizer.

8. Go See Your Doctor

Maintaining healthcare appointments will help you catch illnesses early and infections. Stick to regular healthcare appointments so you can stay on track.

9. Use Deodorant and Antiperspirant

What you consume can affect how your body smells. Sweat is the leading cause of an unpleasant body odor.

Deodorant will protect against the odor, and antiperspirant will protect against odor and sweat. If you want to avoid underarm wetness, use antiperspirant because it controls sweat.

After you’re done showering and dry off, use your deodorant and antiperspirant right away. Keep an extra few sticks of both in your bag.

10. Use Quality Razors

If you do shave, try to shave in the right direction and use quality razors. Go to your local pharmacy to find a razor with multi-blades. Multi-blades make the shaving process efficient.

Before you shave, clean the area you’re shaving. You’ll get rid of any excess dead skin cells. Don’t shave when your skin is dry. Use a layer of shaving cream and let it sit for two minutes.

Next, shave in the direction that the hair grows. If you end up shaving in the wrong direction, you could cut yourself or cause inflammation.

11. Wash Your Face Twice Daily

Other than washing your body, you’ll also need to pay special attention to your face. Washing your face will remove the build-up of oil, debris, and dirt.

If you don’t wash your face often, your facial skin will get dehydrated, leading to wrinkly and rough skin.

You’ll want to get the right facial cleanser that matches your skin. Try a few different cleansers until you find the one that works best with your skin type.

Don’t use cleansers that have a high alcohol content if you have dry skin. Use one with a lower-pH if you tend to have oily skin.

If you notice your skin is sensitive, don’t pick up a cleanser with preservatives and fragrances.

After you’ve washed your face, use a light moisturizer before applying makeup or other creams.

Now You Have a Personal Hygiene Checklist

We hope this guide on personal hygiene was helpful. Wash your face daily, brush your teeth, and practice good hand washing techniques. Use this personal hygiene checklist to stay on track.

Don’t forget to keep browsing our other helpful resources on health, fitness, and more.

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