The Morning After: 4 Natural and Effective Remedies for Hangovers

Do you love a night of drinking and having fun?

We all love going out for a night out and getting drunk with friends but most people struggle with the consequences – the dreaded hangover the next morning.

It can prevent you from going to work on time and also affect your ability to concentrate the next day. So, how do you make sure you don’t end up with a hangover without resorting to taking medication?

A natural hangover remedy might work for you.

1. Drink a Lot of Water

Alcohol causes dehydration, which is why you’ll have a cocktail of hangover and anxiety in the morning.

Therefore, it makes sense to drink a lot of water before, during, and after you’ve drunk alcohol. We should be drinking a lot of water anyway, drink even more when you’re on alcohol. You can even mix some of your drinks, such as whiskey, with water.

Be sure to keep a glass of chilled water by your bed for when you go to sleep. This way, you can rehydrate yourself if you wake up in the middle of the night. Hydrate in the morning as well.

2. Get Plenty of Quality Sleep

Sleep deprivation is a big cause of hangovers. Don’t go on a heavy night out of drinking when you’re sleep-deprived. Always sleep properly for a few nights before you head out.

Alcohol disrupts your natural sleep cycle and you don’t often get a proper night’s sleep immediately after a night out. 

Lack of sleep coupled with dehydration can make you feel awful in the morning. Don’t look at computer screens or phone screens when you get in from your night out. Go straight to sleep. This is one of the best hangover remedies.

3. Have a Coconut

When you drink alcohol, the body loses potassium and salt (sodium), which are key electrolytes. Electrolytes are minerals that help your body to regulate nerve and muscle function and maintain the right water balance.

Restoring the electrolytes in your body can help stave off the headache from your hangover. 

This is where coconut comes in. 

Coconuts are rich in potassium, meaning having plenty of it after a big night out can help keep a hangover away. If you’re unable to get a coconut, an alternative is to buy coconut water from a grocery store.

Another natural cure that can help with your hangovers is CBD oil. If you’re looking to buy CBD, use this store locator to find a shop near you.

4. Eat Before You Drink

Eat before you go on a night out. Food lines up your stomach properly, ensuring alcohol drips into your system instead of flooding in.

The downside to drinking on a fuller stomach is you’ll need more alcohol (and time) to get drunk, but it’s the right thing to do when you don’t want to wake up with a nasty hangover. The best meals to eat before a night out are those with lots of carbohydrates such as pasta.

A Natural Hangover Remedy Is the Best

If you’re looking for a natural hangover remedy, there are many simple solutions. From drinking a lot of water to eating right before you drink, to natural products such as coconut water and CBD oil, there’s isn’t a shortage of hangover remedies.

Stay hooked to our blog for more tips and insights. 

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