The Ultimate Guide to Using CBD Oil for Depression

cbd oil

Depression is now the most common illness in the world. Hundreds of millions of people are affected by the brutal mental disorder and the numbers are growing.

The statistics become even more alarming when you realize that the vast majority of sufferers don’t seek treatment. Luckily, there’s hope for things to get better. CBD oil for depression has shown very promising results.

Anyone who has ever been depressed might find relief from CBD studies. CBD oil is all-natural, completely safe way to alleviate some of the worst symptoms associated with depression.

There is no cure for depression. Ingesting CBD oil won’t magically wipe away every trace of the mental illness. However, it can provide a lot of relief.

If you’re not quite sure what CBD is or why it might help, don’t worry. We’re going to explain exactly what the substance is and how it affects your body.

What is CBD oil?

Cannabis plants are stuffed with hundreds of chemical compounds that can have profound effects on your body. That’s why consumers report finding nuggets of cannabis flower that smells sweet like fruit or earthy like pine needles.

Most of the compounds are present in other plants as well but there are nearly 100 that are unique to cannabis.

Scientists refer to these chemicals as cannabinoids. The human body is riddled with special receptors designed to react to these compounds. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of the most popular cannabinoids.

CBD isn’t even slightly psychoactive. You’re not going to get “high” if you start consuming CBD oil. However, the medicinal benefits are enormous.

As fresh medicinal and recreational cannabis laws blossom across the country, laboratories are able to create higher quality products for dispensaries to sell. CBD oil is one of those products.

Scientists and lab technicians strip away the cannabis plant material so they can concentrate desirable cannabinoids. To make CBD oil, everything is removed except the CBD itself.

Discover more by trying it for yourself.

What is Depression?

Depression, or major depressive disorder, is a very serious disease that can destroy lives. Sufferers feel as though joy has been sucked out of their lives. If left untreated it can even lead to suicide.

Symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Feeling glum
  • Losing interest in things you used to love
  • Sleeping problems
  • Change in appetite
  • Difficulty thinking clearly

The American Psychiatric Association predicts that one-third of women of will battle depression in their lives. The disease is far more likely to strike women than men.

One of the worst aspects of depression is that it zaps people of the will to make themselves better. A depressed person might know that need to see a doctor but they might not be able to muster the will to do so.

Does CBD oil help with depression? A lot of patients would say yes. Using an oil is a lot easier than actually seeing the doctor.

CBD isn’t a magic cure-all but it can be extremely helpful. People need all of the tools that they can handle if they want to fight off depression.

Official medical institutions are promoting CBD yet, but that’s because of the federal government’s issue with anything related to cannabis. If it weren’t a Schedule 1 drug, a lot of doctors would recommend cannabis and CBD to their patients.

CBD Oil for Depression

CBD effects your body so strongly because it reacts to the cannabinoid receptors all over your body. There are receptors lining your stomach and on your skin.

That means it can affect everything from your mood to your appetite. Depressed patients might feel as though the fog is lifting from their brains after they ingest CBD.

Researchers are studying CBD products that don’t have a trace of THC in them. A lot of studies focus on the health benefits of CBD alone. Dravet syndrome, an extremely rare form of epilepsy, is greatly helped by CBD.

Dravet patients report having their seizures reduced by 100% after consuming CBD oil.

The benefits aren’t as dramatic for depressed people but they exist. The effects of CBD are harder to define than those of other cannabinoids because they’re so powerful yet there’s no psychoactive effect.

Because of this, if you start taking CBD for depression, it may take a while before you start feeling better. It may be almost unnoticeable at first. You may have a clearer head when you wake up in the morning or you might start sleeping better.

Modern medicine usually asks depressed patients to take pills to get better. Antidepressants can be effective but they don’t work for a lot of people. Also, a lot of people dislike the idea of taking such strong medication.

CBD is a naturally occurring substance that anyone can take without suffering severe side effects. This is one of it’s greatest benefits.

Ready to Try CBD Oil?

CBD oil for depression has become a real option for a lot of Americans. State and local governments are relaxing previously strict laws banning anything related to cannabis.

However, you don’t have to suffer from a mental illness to experience benefits from CBD oil. A lot of people have begun incorporating the substance into their daily lives.

CBD oil has been reported to help with the pain of multiple sclerosis and lupus. It’s believed to calm anxiety. Other mammals are beginning to experience the benefits as well.

People are now giving CBD-based products to their dogs and cats. It’s being used to treat the same problems that humans ingest it for. Anxious or stressed out pets can find relief from CBD.

Consuming CBD is very different than consuming a regular cannabis product. The effect is unique to you and won’t be noticed by anyone else.

Most cannabis products sold by dispensaries, meanwhile, are rich with THC, the cannabinoid that produces the euphoric feeling consumers talk about.

If you want to learn more ways to improve your life, check out our blog. We’ve come up with dozens of different ways to get yourself out of a rut or learn something new.

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