10 Reasons You May Not Be Able to Get an Erection

penis erection

The sunset was amazing, dinner and dance divine, and romance is in the air.

Except, well, there’s nothing happening. Noodles have more firmness. (Cue sad trombone sound.) Or maybe you notice a distinct lack of morning wood. (No, not this kind of wood.)

More than half of all men report some form of mild to moderate erectile dysfunction, that is the ability to gain and maintain an erection. This number tends to steadily increase approximately 10 percent of men per decade of life (i.e., 40 percent of men in their 40s, 50 percent of men in their 50s).

Erectile dysfunction can happen at any age but is more common as men age. There are several factors to consider to increase the quality and length of time for an erection.

Read on to learn more.

What is the Definition of Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction describes several different conditions of reproductive health and sex. It is an emotional and sensitive topic to discuss even though it is common. It is the inability to maintain an erection sufficient for sex.

An erection is a complex process. It involves coordination between the brain, hormones, nerves, muscles and blood circulation. Interference with the balance results in sudden erectile dysfunction.

In some cases, the lack of an erection is the first sign of other serious underlying health conditions. Erectile dysfunction shares many of the same risk factors as heart attack or stroke.

It’s All In Your Head

Stress strangles your testosterone. Without testosterone, your libido lags and everything takes a downward turn. Luckily, alleviating stress seems to remedy the problem fairly quickly. However, masturbation before trying to get intimate might make things worse, not better.

Your comfort level with yourself and your partner can put a damper on things. Worry about your performance or intimacy causes a weak erection if any. Lack of emotional connection or strong emotions like anger or grief can cause impotence.

Your brain is your most powerful erogenous zone. Sexual excitement is practically gravity-fed. It starts in your head and works its way down. Stress and worry dampen desire and lead to a lack of an erection.

The same can be said for exhaustion and lack of sleep. Lack of sleep contributes to blood pressure, poor coordination and a lack of mental focus. None of these conditions contribute to a healthy sex life.

When It Isn’t Your Head

Sudden erectile dysfunction could be prescription medications, like the high blood pressure medicines Lasix or Esidrix. Pharmacists have a long list of common drugs that affect you in the bedroom. Chemotherapy, anti-depressants or muscle relaxants are suspect too.

Do not stop taking any medicines without discussing with your doctor first. Over the counter medications such as antihistamines and NSAIDs also can affect your erection. Recreational or street drugs like meth, cocaine, and pot can cause sexual problems in men, too.

Canada Wide Pharmacy suggests looking at all of your medications and diet. Certain food and drug interactions can affect the hardness or duration of your erection.

Consuming alcohol, for example, is a common cause of the unfortunately named “whiskey dick”. Heavy alcohol use can interfere with erections, but the effects are usually temporary.

Smoking too much or quitting smoking can also have the same unfortunate effect.

Your Health and Your Erection

Extra pounds impact your bedroom performance. It isn’t just lowered self-esteem. Overweight and obese men have lower levels of testosterone, the hormone important for sexual desire and maintaining an erection.

High blood pressure and hardening of the arteries are exacerbated by obesity. This can reduce blood flow to the penis. Injuries to the spinal cord, recent surgery can all cause impotence.

There are some serious conditions that cause erectile dysfunction, too. Signs of impotence are also a sign of diseases such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Heart Disease
  • Kidney Disease
  • Prostate Cancer
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Liver Disease
  • Hormonal Imbalance

Visit a doctor to rule out serious or life-threatening causes.

So What Can You Do?

First off, you aren’t alone. It is very unlikely that your lack of an erection is permanent or untreatable. Take some time to examine any new relationships, new medications or new stresses.

Make an appointment to see a medical professional. She or he can walk you through factors and eliminate them as causes. Don’t be embarrassed to talk to a doctor about your sex life. They have the training and expertise to help you find solutions.

Your doctor can help you pinpoint the source of the problem. They may suggest lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking or losing weight. Or maybe recommend interventions like counseling and education.

Expect a complete battery of tests to eliminate physical causes. Also, expect a full audit of your drug usage. Remember to include EVERYTHING. This means prescribed, over the counter and illicit drugs.

Treatment Options

You and your doctor will eliminate the causes of erectile dysfunction under your control. Other treatments include the use of erection enhancers such as Viagra, Cialis or Levitra.

Depending on the causes of your impotence, your doctor may also suggest hormone treatment, a penis pump or other device to give you the desired effect.

Putting It All Together

All men suffer from a lack of an erection at some time or another. If you think you have more than temporary erectile dysfunction, talk with your doctor. The treatment you need will depend on what’s causing it.

Your doctor may find that you need simple lifestyle changes to increase libido. It could be that all you need is to lose weight, drink less alcohol, or quit smoking.

If it’s medication that is the cause of your erectile dysfunction, your doctor may lower your doses or try different drugs altogether. Other treatments include counseling, medications, suction devices or surgery.

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