10 Ways to Stay Focused in Your Noisy Office

office noise

Working in an office with an open layout sounds pretty cool at first – until you realize the amount of noise that comes with it. When cubicle walls and separated spaces go away, noise is able to travel much further.

You may be able to hear a meeting down the hall or catch a joke someone is telling in the other room. On the one hand, such a setting fosters good communication and teamwork. But, it can make it hard to focus when you need to drown out the office noise.

If your productivity levels have been struggling lately due to noisy office situations, don’t worry. Here are ten things you can do to stay focused and get your work done.

1. Remove All Other Distractions

Be honest with yourself. Chances are, the office noise alone is not what’s causing you to lose focus. Take a second to think about all the other distractions in your work environment and identify the ones you can control.

This may be the clutter on your desk, the fact that you have your phone out all the time, or that you’ve turned “bring your dog to work day” into an everyday occasion. Something’s gotta give. If you’re serious about staying focused, you have to manage all the other distractions around you in addition to the office noise.

2. Tell Everyone You’re Plugging in

The good thing about a messy desk or leaving your dog at home every once in a while is that things you can control. They’re much easier to handle than telling everyone to lower their volume.

While you don’t want to be rude, you can be proactive about the office noise problem by telling your team you’re about to plug in. This makes them more sensitive to your needs and creates a better understanding of the noise level without anyone having to be “the bad guy.”

Take a second to look up and communicate with the people sitting around you. Or, go ahead and type a quick message in the office communication system to ensure everyone is aware.

3. Put on Headphones

The tip for office noise above helps, but it won’t magically make the space quieter. People still have work to do and things to talk about. While they do their thing, though, try putting on headphones.

Invest in a good pair of quality headphones made to block out noise. Keep them at your desk at all times and use them to listen to soft music or nature sounds.

That’s right, this isn’t a time to check out a new album or put on your favorite playlist. Such things will only distract you more. The right music choice can transform how much you’re able to focus for the better.

4. Rub Your Temples

Another thing you can do to focus despite the noise around you is to rub your temples. This creates a better blood flow and sends more oxygen to the brain.

Your mind then uses this to concentrate. Not to mention, the mini massage you give yourself feels really good. This trick is both a destresser and a noise beater; it combats a couple common office problems at once to significantly improve your workday.

5. Use Essential Oils

When rubbing your temples isn’t enough, break out the essential oils. A great oil to use directly on your body is peppermint. Use this the next time you’re having trouble concentrating and watch how it helps.

Peppermint oil creates a slight tingling sensation. It wakes you up, makes you much more alert, and helps you zone in on the task at hand. Rub a small amount on your temples when office noise is bothering you or put a bit on the back of your neck when you’re having a particularly long day.

Other great oils you can use for focus are:

  • eucalyptus
  • lavender
  • sandalwood
  • patchouli

These are relaxing, grounding scents. They help you clear your mind and tune in. Invest in a little desk diffuser to go with your essential oils and you’re all set.

6. Buy a Plant

Up next on the list of noisy office solutions, plants! Plants have amazing benefits for office settings. They encourage you to focus and help you relax while you work, which result in a better quality of work overall.

In terms of office noise, plants literally help block noise. They create a barrier between you and certain sound waves traveling through the air.

Think of having plants around you like lowering the noise button on a remote. They won’t drown out the office noise completely, but they will keep it from affecting you as much. Plus, this is available without putting an actual barrier between you and your coworkers!

7. Come Early, Leave Early

If you’re still having trouble focusing with office noise after trying some of the suggestions above, try this: show up earlier and leave earlier.

Talk to your boss about starting your workday an hour or two before usual. This may not be your favorite idea (or their’s), but it comes in handy when you’re trying to boost productivity.

Think about it for a second. Imagine walking into the office with only a few other people there. You go to your desk, sit down, and before you know it, it’s only mid-morning and most of your major tasks are out of the way.

How does this happen? For two reasons.

The first is that offices tend to be quieter in the mornings. People make an effort to get straight to their desks and get to work, then become increasingly chattier as the day goes on. By the time 3:00 hits, the midafternoon slump is making people walk around and chat a bit before plugging back in.

The second reason it’s a good idea to start coming in early is that your brain works better in the morning. You may find an early start is the work trick you’ve been needing since before noise became such a problem.

8. Take Your Calls Elsewhere

If showing up earlier every day isn’t an option for you, this suggestion might be. Try taking your calls somewhere other than from your desk. Go outside when you need to call a client or touch base with another office somewhere.

Sure, there’s still going to be a bit of noise around you. But, this probably won’t be as intense as everything going on inside. The lower amount of noise makes it easier for you to focus on the other person on the line, without worrying about whether they can hear you or not.

Not to mention, it will be much easier to hear them. For those who are constantly on the phone with clients and coworkers, a TalkBox is a great idea.

9. Put up Acoustic Wall Panels

There’s getting a TalkBox and putting it in the middle of the office floor, and then there’s putting up acoustic wall panels. Remember the plant suggestion mentioned above? Wall panels work in a similar way.

They block noise as sound waves travel through the air. If you have your own office, this is one of the best noise solutions available to you. It helps you keep the door open so people know you’re available without hindering your productivity due to noise.

You may even be able to make use of wall panels if you’re one of the people on the floor. All you have to do is bring this up to your higher-ups and see what they have to say. Wall panels are fairly inexpensive and they offer plenty of benefits when you consider the productivity and other results available.

10. Request an Office Quiet Area

While you’re talking to your boss, why not ask them if there’s a way to create an office quiet area? This could be one or two rooms in the building dedicated to quiet work.

Such an idea isn’t hard to implement and it offers an office noise solution for everyone. The loud employees can continue to carry on their conversations and collaborate while those who like to plug in can better do so without distractions. Everyone wins!

All it takes is one person to bring this up. If you’re not sure this idea is really necessary, talk to a few others in the office about how they focus with so much noise. You may be surprised to find you’re not the only one struggling to stay in the zone.

Defeat the Distraction of Office Noise

Dealing with office noise is not the easiest thing in the world. It’s not like you can just tell everyone to shut up or that you can isolate yourself from your team. There has to be a balance between the noise level and how you discipline yourself to stay focused.

The tips above should help. If you realize you’re still not being as productive as you can be, maybe these life tips will help you improve your work behavior.

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