Category: Interesting Facts

If you love learning interesting facts, you have to check out our collections of amazing facts and crazy trivia, covering everything from why coffee is called Joe to chemistry discoveries that changed the world.

difference between cbd and thc

CBD vs. THC: What’s the Difference?

There are two chemicals found in a marijuana plant. When smoked, you feel the effects of both. But now horticulturists have developed the ability to separate the two. Click here to discover the difference between CBD and THC, and how they affect you when they’re separated.

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history of military challenge coins

A Brief History of Military Challenge Coins

Have you ever sat with a veteran and listen to them talk about their experiences in the military? Maybe they’ve even shown you a coin, a military challenge coin to be exact, they received and you wondered what it was for. Learn more about the history of the military challenge coins so you can appreciate what they mean.

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