Starting a Corporate Sports League: 101

We spend a lot of time at work. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the average American works forty-four hours a week. That’s over 2,000 hours a year.

We need a chance to let off some steam and get exercise. Corporate sports leagues provide a way to stay active while enjoying sports you love and perhaps played in high school or college.

How do these sports leagues work and what are the advantages? Say with us and find out. 

Benefits of Corporate Leagues

There are many benefits of corporate athletic leagues for you and your co-workers or employees. Taking part in corporate athletics can:

  • Reduce stress
  • Raise office morale
  • Build relationships and camaraderie
  • Better communication
  • Build staff loyalty and job satisfaction
  • Increase physical fitness
  • Create social engagement
  • Encourage teamwork 
  • Create opportunities for networking

Now that you understand the benefits, let’s talk about how to organize an adult sports league.

Choosing a Corporate Sports League

Perhaps the first thing you need to do is choose a sport and league. There are many different ones. If you plan to go in with your co-workers it will need to be a sport that everyone can play.

What are some popular options?

  • Golf
  • Soccer
  • Softball
  • Dodge ball
  • Football
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Hockey

When choosing or forming a league you need to think about how many people plan to participate, the equipment needed, the cost to play, and the skill level of those wanting to join.

Organize Your League

You can create your own league or join an organization that’s already established. Established leagues are a little less intensive and they can provide things such as a venue and umpires/referees, etc. It’s easy to find a league in your city by doing a Google search.

Then you need to decide if you want this activity to involve just your office or other groups. Perhaps you can play against other companies in your industries. 

Then you need to get people to sign up. Start by posting notices in the break room and on company bulletin boards. Then send emails to find out how many people want to play. Be sure to collect contact information so you can send notices and alerts about the schedule.

Form Teams

Once you have all of the participants signed up, you’ll need to form your team. If you’re playing against other teams this is pretty easy.

With a sport like golf, you’ll need to pair up people so be sure to consider the skill level of each person. For softball, football, soccer, and other team sports you’ll have to decide who is playing each position. 

If you have more people than spots on your team, you may need to rotate players.

Create a Schedule

In many cases, you will have the ability to create a schedule that works for you. This isn’t as simple as it seems. You have to determine the most convenient days and times.

Remember that you are all busy professionals. Schedules can vary widely among different industries so plan accordingly.

Find out more about corporate sports leagues, which is a favorite pastime of Prabir Purohit.

Work Hard. Play Hard.

With all the work you put in during the week, an outlet to blow off steam and have fun is definitely recommended. Corporate sports leagues are one way to create better relationships in the office while revving up that competitive spirit. This guide will help you get started.

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