Warning Signs of Drug Abuse in Teenagers

warning signs of drug abuse

Teens have always been a source of worry for parents. With concerns over grades, friends, social development and behavioral issues, it’s no wonder that many parents go grey before their time.

Though many struggles are just part of the growing process, other problems are more serious and require professional help. One such problem is teen drug abuse.

Below are some of the most common warning signs of drug abuse among teens so you can intervene quickly:

Warning Signs Of Drug Abuse Might Include Behavioral Changes

If your teen has a drug problem, you’ll notice several changes in their behavior. If they always made good grades and suddenly they’re making lots of “D’s” and “F’s”, that’s an indicator that something is up.

Though teenagers are often moody, if your once happy son or daughter is angsty more often than not, or jittery in the morning hours and calmer in the evening, these might be signs of drug use.

Fluctuations In Weight

Though weight loss or weight gain in your teen doesn’t always point to a drug problem, the two frequently go hand in hand.

If the weight loss or gain seems sudden or dramatic, there’s cause for concern and a chance that drugs are at least partially to blame.

Avoidance Of Family And Friends

Does your teen avoid their former friends and keep their distance from family members that they used to be close with? If your teenager suddenly starts to hang out with a different crowd and avoids social activities and family gatherings that they used to enjoy, they might be involved with drugs.

Loss Of Interest In Hobbies

Along with a loss of interest in former friends and family members is a growing indifference to hobbies that your teen once loved. Were they enthusiastic about making music or art before and now they seem otherwise preoccupied? Have they traded in their love of basketball practice for long naps or lazing about in the basement?

Though it’s not uncommon for a person to have a change in interests, a sudden change in personality and an indifference for what was once a passion might be a sign of drug abuse.

Money Goes Missing

If money goes missing from your wallet or purse, or you notice that valuable items in your house have disappeared, your teen might be stealing them to support a drug habit.

Odd Smells And Paraphernalia

Have you found syringes, burnt teaspoons, tin boxes or roll-ups among your teen’s belongings? Have you smelled a hint of marijuana smoke or other unusual smell on their clothes or in their room? If so, you might want to ask your teenager about it.

If you’re concerned about your teenager, but they’re reluctant to talk about drug abuse you, you might want to look into the benefits of a teen drug rehab center.

Finding Help

Keep in mind that most of these warning signs of drug abuse don’t guarantee a drug problem. If you notice several of these tendencies together, your teen might have a problem. You can also research more tips on how to help someone with a drug addiction.

For more helpful tips, check out our blog.

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